Client: Western Firth Catchment Group (WFCG)
Expert: Ric Balfour (New Zealand Landcare Trust) and Emily Fensham (Beca)
About this resource
Emily Fensham (Beca) prepared a report to aid the WFCG and other stakeholders with restoration efforts along the Hauarahi Stream, between Toft Road and the Kaiaua coast. The report includes:
- A desktop review of existing information and data from the Hauarahi Stream and the wider catchment.
- A field assessment of erosion hotspots, fish passage barriers, existing fencing, and areas of invasive / pervasive plant pest species.
- Assessment of eDNA results.
- Recommendations for future monitoring, and suggestions for prioritised land management actions.
- Ecological recommendations including inanga habitat improvements.
You can read the full report here (PDF, 5.59 MB).
This case was completed thanks to the work from the members of the WFCG, Ric Balfour (New Zealand Landcare Trust), and Emily Fensham (Beca Ltd).