CLIENT: Friends of Le Roys Bush (FOLRB)
EXPERT: Chloe Collins and Brett Stansfield (EIA Ltd)
About this resource
This report was prepared for FOLRB who sought an ecological restoration plan for two slips located within Le Roys Bush Reserve / Wai Manawa. With the group wanting to prevent further erosion and sediment loss entering the watercourse, Chloe and Brett prepared a report that:
- Summarised the findings of a site walkover.
- Reviewed literature that is suitable for the site’s unique environmental characteristics to enhance restoration success.
- Determined which authorities, groups and/or professions should be notified and/or tasked to aid restoration and prevent further environmental damage from occurring.
- Outlined the necessary courses of action for the restoration of the site.
You can read the full report here (PDF, 7.78 MB).
This report was completed thanks to the Friends of Le Roys Bush, Chloe Collins and Brett Stansfield.